Friday, February 26, 2010

Happy again ^_^

fri is the public holiday

but my holiday will never end up in home this year

today after celebrating birthday wif mei wah

we go snow flake to enjoy the dessert..


and i finally celebrating birthday for her after 18 years frendship

wor..guilty la..>.<

then followed by discipleship and fellowship wif meilin jie

long time din talk deeply wif my spiritual leader

always being encouraged and get aspiration from her

because of the spirit of God she presents to us

finally express out all my sadness,weakness,problem...

my heart feel better now

and the most reason i happy is i have put down him

which coz i can't really 100% focus on God

Things seem to be easier when i commit to God

i said to God: "God, if he is the one, give me some confirmation".

finally one day

a feeling like God sound told me:

"daughter, he is not the one, he is not the best choice i prepare for you".

thank God i did!

now i can have a new beginning

to do well in my studies

to serve the Lord wif my full force and whole heartedly...

Praise the Lord....

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